Saturday, August 28, 2010

Naturally Plus Super Lutien - Why I am taking it.

Hello to you, if you are reading this blog, I guess you too are interested in Naturally Plus Super Lutien. I will be posting periodically on the effects of Super Lutien on myself.

A little background of myself  and why I am going to start taking Naturally Plus Super Lutein:

I am from Klang, Selangor, Malaysia of age 42 and have been smoking since my teens (not proud of it) and I am a heavy coffee drinker. I  have not been taking any kinds of vitamins or health supplements for more than a decade. Basically you can say that I do not live a very healthy life. Two years back I was diagnosed with Glaucoma after going for a check up as my vision was kind of blurred.

Actually, when I was around 20 in USA doing my undergraduate studies, an optometrist there told me that I was a prime candidate for glaucoma. Later, I got my eyes checked at Tun Hussein Onn Eye Hospital in PJ and the doctor there told me that I didn't have a problem then. Two years ago, my vision started to get blur, so I went to an eye specialist who confirmed that I have glaucoma. This first doctor prescribed some eye drops and told me that there was no point in doing an operation as the problem will reoccur in five years time. However, the eye drops that the doctor prescribed was causing an allergy and redness to my eyes but he did nothing. So I went to the highly recommended International Specialist Eye Centre (ISEC) in MidValley and the specialist there changed the eye drops  and I  no longer experienced the redness. The doctor at ISEC also did a vision test and was horrified to find that 75% of the optical nerves in my right eye was damaged. During my last visit to ISEC , my eye pressure was 15 and the doctor said that if the pressure does not reduce then I may have to go for an operation. Actually, a pressure of 15 is within the normal range but he wanted my pressure to go down to 12. Many people also advised me to go to Singapore for my glaucoma treatment.

Recently, I read about the benefit of blueberries (or is it blackberries)as being good for the brains and berries in general being good anti-oxidants.

Subsequently, I was introduced to Naturally Plus Super Lutein by a friend. This particular friend previously recommended Esberitox to me, for my daughter who was constantly coughing. I was surprised that my daughter's coughing problems/occurrence reduced tremendously after she started taking Esberitox. So when this friend said he wanted to introduce a supplement to me I was actually looking forward to it.

When we met up, he showed me the Super Lutein bottle. The first thing that came into my mind was, hey, this is a Japanese product and therefore should be of good quality. Secondly, when I read its ingredients list  it listed blackcurrant extract and blueberries extract. These two ingredients straight away drew my interest. Last but not least, he mentioned that it was good for eyes and he swears that his eyesight improved after taking Super Lutein. The above mentioned 3 matters made me want to try out Naturally Plus Super Lutien. Also the fact that I am getting older and feel tired most of the time, I thought that I had better start taking some kind of health supplements.

This friend also told me that his entire family is now taking Naturally Plus Super Lutein and all of them have benefited from this product. This friend is a professional and not a salesman trying to sell Super Lutein. I believe he is truly trying to help people like me who have some kind of health problems by introducing Naturally Plus Super Lutein. He also emphasized that this product makes him more energetic and is good for his skin.

However, he did say that there are some initial side-effects to the body after taking it for a few days. His wife and children experienced "greenish" discharge (not sure from the nose or mouth) and he himself had body aches, but after that he says there were no problems. But today when we met, for him to pass me a bottle of Super Lutein, he had a slight rash on his face and he deemed it as  his second phase of detoxification.

Another thing which made me want to take Naturally Plus Super Lutein is that it is supposed to give me an equivalent of 9 plates of fruits and vegetables in 3 capsules. This is very important as I hardly take any vegetables. Maybe I should also share with you my experience regarding fruit farming. Two years ago, my boss was into organic planting and I met a PhD who had his own organic farm. Basically he taught me that leaves and fruits are natural anti-oxidant, however, modern farming methods have introduced all kinds of pesticides and fertilizers to farming which are unhealthy to us. As for fruits, I once visited a mango farm and was shocked to be informed that the planter sprayed pesticides  frequently on his mangoes so that it would look nice and be marketable. We also planted bananas in our estate and it was recommended that we use furadan at the early stage. Now, for your information, furadan is a very deadly chemical which attacks our nervous system. It is also widely used in watermelon farming. While having lunch with the PhD mentioned above, we were served fresh fruits as dessert and he asked me to observe if I experience the following symtoms after taking watermelon, 1) sleepiness and 2) itchy throat. Well, he was correct, before I ate the watermelon, my throat felt fine but it became itchy after I consumed it. That's the effect of chemicals in our watermelons. Also take note of this - next time you see watermelons, see if any flies go near them. Even the flies know that the watermelons we plant here are unhealthy. I used to love watermelons and could eat half a watermelon on my own, but now I hardly touch it. Therefore, another major reason I am taking Naturally Plus Super Lutien is so that I get the necessary supplements as I don't eat much vegetables and fruits.

The above is kind of a long background, hehehe. So tomorrow I will start taking 3 capsules of Super Lutein the moment I wake up, before breakfast and then report the outcome here.

Below are some information I got while googling.

1 comment:

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