Tuesday, September 7, 2010

9th Day on Super Lutein

Well, it is the ninth day I have been consuming Super Lutein and got no new progress to report.

My wife had a headache yesterday which have been occurring for few days, so asked her to take 3 capsules. Well, after an hour she reported her headache gone but got no improvement in her eye sight or vision. Conclusion, Super Lutein does not improve eye sight of everybody after taking it, in my case yes but not for my wife.

Today gave a friend 3 capsules to try we had lunch together as he mentioned that he had trouble with his vision because of his multi-focal lens.

Just to update a bit on my glaucoma, below is a picture of my vision report that was tested in February 2010 at ISEC Midvalley. The dark area indicates my blind spot. From below, it can be observed that my right eye is 70% blind! 

Prior to taking Super Lutein, my vision is blur and changing my glasses won't be of any help as when I see with my right eye open only, my vision is just plain blur. Can't read the alphabets test which is done while checking your vision with your local optician. Since taking Super Lutein, everyday is wonderful as my vision is clear and I am so thankful to my friend who introduced to me Naturally Plus Super Lutein. 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

6th and 7th Day with Super Lutein

Yesterday and today I took 1 capsule before I slept and 2 capsules in the morning. Eyes felt ok when waking up on both mornings. However I can feel there is a difference in taking 2 capsules versus 3 capsules in the morning as my vision is not so clear after about 3pm with just 2 capsules.

Based on last few days results, there is a difference to my vision when I take the 3 capsules i.e. 3 in the morning vs 2 morning and 1 at night. I will continue with 2 in the morning and 1 at night because I think that taking one capsule at night is beneficial as when I wake up in the morning my eye don't feel the tightness around it due to Travatan which I have been experiencing for months.

So I must conclude that Super Lutein is definitely "working" while I sleep at night.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fifth Day With Super Lutein - 2 Capsules Morning and 1 Capsule at Night

As mentioned in yesterday's post, I took one capsule before I went to bed. This morning when I woke up I did not feel the normal tightness in my eyes caused be Travatan eye drops which I use nightly before going to sleep.

This morning my eyes felt more relax and vision was good in general. Took 2 capsules of Super Lutein at 8.30am followed with my morning coffee and cigarettes 15 minutes later. Had to rush to site so got no time to allow for the Super Lutein to be absorb into my system before having coffee.

The whole day was under the sun and my eyes felt ok and vision clear. Even when driving back from Carey Island to Klang at around 5pm, eyesight was good.

Now it is about 6.40pm, my eyes do feel tired.

I am going to continue with taking 2 Super Lutein Capsules in the morning and I capsule in the night as I am happy with this dosage because this morning my eyes did not feel the tightness as mentioned in the first paragraph.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fourth Day on Super Lutein

Today decided to change to number of capsules to take in the morning. Decided to take 2 capsules before breakfast and one at night before I sleep. My reasoning for this is because since I smoke a lot in the day time, all the anti-oxidant that comes with Super Lutein would be wasted since I smoke a lot. So if I take one capsule before I sleep, then the anti-oxidant would not go to waste, hehe. Well that's me theory.

An hour after I took 2 capsules of Super Lutein, frankly I did not notice any improvement in my vision. Not to say my vision was bad before I took the Super Lutein, I could see the Premier tissue box from 15ft away but the signboard of the building nearby wasn't as clear as yesterday after I took three capsules. After I took the 2 capsules, there was no improvement to my vision i.e. signboard of building nearby still not clear.

In the afternoon, while driving in the hot sun, my vision is better than the days before I started taking Super Lutein but did notice a slight discomfort to my eyes. If you read the last few days, I mentioned that the discomfort to my eyes have reduced tremendously compared to the days before Super Lutein. Somehow today I felt more discomfort to my eyes than the last 3 days. Once again don't know if this psychological - meaning my brains telling my eyes that since I took less capsules than yesterday so I should not be so comfortable today.

While on my way back from Shah Alam to Klang at 9pm, vision clear. Generally my vision is pretty clear at night.

I guess I will continue taking 2 capsules tomorrow morning and see what happens and then Friday or Saturday switch back to 3 in the morning.