Sunday, October 3, 2010

A month after Super Lutein - Vision improved but not my Glaucoma

On 25th September 2010 I went to for my eye check up at ISEC Midvalley.

As usual, after registration, I was told to go to Room 1 for the simple vision test where they will ask me to read out numbers with my glasses on. Well the good news is I can read a few lines of the numbers with my right eye. Two months ago, my right eye cannot even read the largest number as the entire board was blur. 

I was indeed delighted as the above mentioned simple test does indeed prove that Naturally Plus Super Lutein improved my vision. 

Next was to have the Doctor check my eyes' pressure. After waiting for about more than an hour for the Doctor, I entered the room feeling a bit nervous as during the last visit my Doctor said if my eyes pressure, which was 15 for both eyes then, did not reduce to 12, I will need to go for operation. 

Well, my the pressure in my left eye remained the same at 15 but the right eye increased to 17! I was disappointed as my vision did improved with Naturally Plus Super Lutein but it did not in anyway help reduce the pressure in my eyes. Maybe I am to blame as I put to much hope on Super Lutein.

So the Doctor said I need to do operation to prevent my right eye vision field from deteriorating further (see my earlier post where chart showing my right eyes 75% kaput).  So asked him what are the cons of the operation and he informed that there might be infections, get cataract sooner and five years have to put tube as hole will close by itself.

The thing is I am not eager to have operation to my eyes and moreover, the pressure in my eyes are within the normal range (lower than 20). So I googled  and noted that many website mentioned that if eyedrops not effective than go for laser treatment and if that fails than only go for microsurgery. Therefore I have decided to go to Singapore National Eyes Centre for a second opinion. 

I also googled laser treatment for glaucoma in Malaysia but found none whereas in Singapore they do thousands of laser treatments per year on glaucoma patients.

In conclusion, Naturally Plus Super Lutein did improve my vision and also makes my eyes less tiring but it did not help in reducing the pressure in my eyes. I would definitely recommend Naturally Plus Super Lutein to people who have vision problems as I did benefit from it. If I do not consume Naturally Plus Super Lutein for a particular day, the entire day my eyes will feel very tight and tired and of course my vision not as sharp.

I have finished my first bottle of Naturally Plus Super Lutein and now trying out another Lutein product by bwl avance i-care. Link below:

I have found that Avance i-care also makes my eyes less tiring. Both Avance i-care and Super Lutein have Betacarotene and Lutein except that Naturally Plus have lycopene.

If you have vision problems, do try Naturally Plus Super Lutein or Avance i-care and see it makes a difference to your daily life.


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