Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Super Lutein did not help reduce the pressure in my eyes.

I have been taking Super Lutein for about 4 months now. Last month went for eye check up and the pressure shot up to 20! Doctor had to change my eye drop and must say the pressure in my eyes did reduce to below 14 with the new medicine. But my Doctor warned me that after sometime the medicine will have less effect.

Anyway, just to inform all that after 4 months taking Super Lutein, not much have change in respect of my glaucoma condition. Actually it was worse off in December 2010, maybe it is because I spend the entire day at Universal Studios the day before I went for my eye checkup. 

Oh yes, one more thing, last month also went for a medical check up and my cholestrol levels and blood sugar level were on the high side :( 

So I will conclude that Super Lutein did not benefit my health even after taking it for 4 months. Having said that, I just ordered another 5 bottles @ RM290 each and I guess will stop taking Super Lutein once these 5 bottles are done. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A month after Super Lutein - Vision improved but not my Glaucoma

On 25th September 2010 I went to for my eye check up at ISEC Midvalley.

As usual, after registration, I was told to go to Room 1 for the simple vision test where they will ask me to read out numbers with my glasses on. Well the good news is I can read a few lines of the numbers with my right eye. Two months ago, my right eye cannot even read the largest number as the entire board was blur. 

I was indeed delighted as the above mentioned simple test does indeed prove that Naturally Plus Super Lutein improved my vision. 

Next was to have the Doctor check my eyes' pressure. After waiting for about more than an hour for the Doctor, I entered the room feeling a bit nervous as during the last visit my Doctor said if my eyes pressure, which was 15 for both eyes then, did not reduce to 12, I will need to go for operation. 

Well, my the pressure in my left eye remained the same at 15 but the right eye increased to 17! I was disappointed as my vision did improved with Naturally Plus Super Lutein but it did not in anyway help reduce the pressure in my eyes. Maybe I am to blame as I put to much hope on Super Lutein.

So the Doctor said I need to do operation to prevent my right eye vision field from deteriorating further (see my earlier post where chart showing my right eyes 75% kaput).  So asked him what are the cons of the operation and he informed that there might be infections, get cataract sooner and five years have to put tube as hole will close by itself.

The thing is I am not eager to have operation to my eyes and moreover, the pressure in my eyes are within the normal range (lower than 20). So I googled  and noted that many website mentioned that if eyedrops not effective than go for laser treatment and if that fails than only go for microsurgery. Therefore I have decided to go to Singapore National Eyes Centre for a second opinion. 

I also googled laser treatment for glaucoma in Malaysia but found none whereas in Singapore they do thousands of laser treatments per year on glaucoma patients.

In conclusion, Naturally Plus Super Lutein did improve my vision and also makes my eyes less tiring but it did not help in reducing the pressure in my eyes. I would definitely recommend Naturally Plus Super Lutein to people who have vision problems as I did benefit from it. If I do not consume Naturally Plus Super Lutein for a particular day, the entire day my eyes will feel very tight and tired and of course my vision not as sharp.

I have finished my first bottle of Naturally Plus Super Lutein and now trying out another Lutein product by bwl avance i-care. Link below:


I have found that Avance i-care also makes my eyes less tiring. Both Avance i-care and Super Lutein have Betacarotene and Lutein except that Naturally Plus have lycopene.

If you have vision problems, do try Naturally Plus Super Lutein or Avance i-care and see it makes a difference to your daily life.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

9th Day on Super Lutein

Well, it is the ninth day I have been consuming Super Lutein and got no new progress to report.

My wife had a headache yesterday which have been occurring for few days, so asked her to take 3 capsules. Well, after an hour she reported her headache gone but got no improvement in her eye sight or vision. Conclusion, Super Lutein does not improve eye sight of everybody after taking it, in my case yes but not for my wife.

Today gave a friend 3 capsules to try we had lunch together as he mentioned that he had trouble with his vision because of his multi-focal lens.

Just to update a bit on my glaucoma, below is a picture of my vision report that was tested in February 2010 at ISEC Midvalley. The dark area indicates my blind spot. From below, it can be observed that my right eye is 70% blind! 

Prior to taking Super Lutein, my vision is blur and changing my glasses won't be of any help as when I see with my right eye open only, my vision is just plain blur. Can't read the alphabets test which is done while checking your vision with your local optician. Since taking Super Lutein, everyday is wonderful as my vision is clear and I am so thankful to my friend who introduced to me Naturally Plus Super Lutein. 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

6th and 7th Day with Super Lutein

Yesterday and today I took 1 capsule before I slept and 2 capsules in the morning. Eyes felt ok when waking up on both mornings. However I can feel there is a difference in taking 2 capsules versus 3 capsules in the morning as my vision is not so clear after about 3pm with just 2 capsules.

Based on last few days results, there is a difference to my vision when I take the 3 capsules i.e. 3 in the morning vs 2 morning and 1 at night. I will continue with 2 in the morning and 1 at night because I think that taking one capsule at night is beneficial as when I wake up in the morning my eye don't feel the tightness around it due to Travatan which I have been experiencing for months.

So I must conclude that Super Lutein is definitely "working" while I sleep at night.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fifth Day With Super Lutein - 2 Capsules Morning and 1 Capsule at Night

As mentioned in yesterday's post, I took one capsule before I went to bed. This morning when I woke up I did not feel the normal tightness in my eyes caused be Travatan eye drops which I use nightly before going to sleep.

This morning my eyes felt more relax and vision was good in general. Took 2 capsules of Super Lutein at 8.30am followed with my morning coffee and cigarettes 15 minutes later. Had to rush to site so got no time to allow for the Super Lutein to be absorb into my system before having coffee.

The whole day was under the sun and my eyes felt ok and vision clear. Even when driving back from Carey Island to Klang at around 5pm, eyesight was good.

Now it is about 6.40pm, my eyes do feel tired.

I am going to continue with taking 2 Super Lutein Capsules in the morning and I capsule in the night as I am happy with this dosage because this morning my eyes did not feel the tightness as mentioned in the first paragraph.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fourth Day on Super Lutein

Today decided to change to number of capsules to take in the morning. Decided to take 2 capsules before breakfast and one at night before I sleep. My reasoning for this is because since I smoke a lot in the day time, all the anti-oxidant that comes with Super Lutein would be wasted since I smoke a lot. So if I take one capsule before I sleep, then the anti-oxidant would not go to waste, hehe. Well that's me theory.

An hour after I took 2 capsules of Super Lutein, frankly I did not notice any improvement in my vision. Not to say my vision was bad before I took the Super Lutein, I could see the Premier tissue box from 15ft away but the signboard of the building nearby wasn't as clear as yesterday after I took three capsules. After I took the 2 capsules, there was no improvement to my vision i.e. signboard of building nearby still not clear.

In the afternoon, while driving in the hot sun, my vision is better than the days before I started taking Super Lutein but did notice a slight discomfort to my eyes. If you read the last few days, I mentioned that the discomfort to my eyes have reduced tremendously compared to the days before Super Lutein. Somehow today I felt more discomfort to my eyes than the last 3 days. Once again don't know if this psychological - meaning my brains telling my eyes that since I took less capsules than yesterday so I should not be so comfortable today.

While on my way back from Shah Alam to Klang at 9pm, vision clear. Generally my vision is pretty clear at night.

I guess I will continue taking 2 capsules tomorrow morning and see what happens and then Friday or Saturday switch back to 3 in the morning.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Third Day of Super Lutein and info on Glaucoma

Selamat Merdeka to all Malaysians.

First part of this post - morning without taking Naturally Plus Super Lutein.

Woke up at about 9am today with the usual backache and first thing after washing up was to do the control test. I could read the tissue box word Premier from 15ft away and also the words of the signboard of the building nearby. Generally my vision is clear.

Just to add, I did notice that my urine odor was stronger than usual. My friend did warn me about this.

I also would like to inform you guys of the following which I forgot to mentioned in my earlier posts. Two years back my vision was blur and thought I my specs were dirty, reason being is that when I see thing with my right eyes it was kind of blur because its like there is a whitish patch in my vision. But when I change lens it was still blur and decided to see an eye doctor in Klang. The doctor then informed me that I had Gluacoma. Anyway this particular Doctor in Klang is not so good in Glaucoma, reason being he failed to inform me of the side effect of Travatan and prescribe to me another eye drop for months which I was allergic to it (causes redness and discharge from my eye). the allergy only went away after I consulted a Specialist on Glaucoma at ISEC Midvalley. The Doctor at ISEC was very friendly, advised me on the effect of the eye drops, listen to my problems and the environment much more relaxing whereas the Klang Doctor I had to wait for hours even with appointment and he was always rushing (attending to 2 patient at times). Anyway, point of this paragraph is that this whitish patch that is causing blur vision to my right eye is not so profound this last two days after taking Super Lutein.

And for two years this has been the case where I my right eyes cannot see things clearly in the middle of my vision.

And for your reading on Glaucoma:-

Glaucoma, the second leading cause of blindness, is characterized by an increase in fluid pressure within the eyeball and a hardening of the surface of the eye. This increased pressure causes abnormal changes in the Optic Nerve and defects in the field of vision.

Glaucoma at a Glance:

  • Affects more than 3 million people living in the United States.
  • Is the leading cause of blindness in African Americans, who should begin glaucoma tests as early as age 35.
  • Is caused by increased pressure in the eye due to a buildup of excess fluid.
  • Results in a loss of peripheral or side vision, which affects your ability to move about safely.
  • May also affect reading, as loss of visual field may result in being able to read only one word at a time.
  • Can cause irreversible damage to the optic nerve if left undetected and untreated.
  • Is particularly dangerous to your vision because there are usually no noticeable symptoms at first.

Possible Signs of Glaucoma:

There are various types of glaucoma that can occur and progress without obvious symptoms or signs. Open-angle glaucoma is the most common, and symptoms are slow to develop. As this types of glaucoma progresses, you may notice that your side, or peripheral, vision is failing, causing you to miss objects out of the side and corner of your eye.
If you are suddenly experiencing the following symptoms, you may have angle-closure glaucoma and should seek immediate treatment:
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Halos around bright lights 

Second part of this post - afternoon after taking Super Lutein.

Before I took Naturally Plus Super Lutein, my eyes felt some some "tightness" around it the entire morning, While standing at the kitchen door in the morning I look at a cloth which had the words Good Morning on it and it was a little bit blur.

Took 3 capsules of Super Lutein around noon before I had my lunch and by 1pm could feel my eye more relax and the tightness I mentioned above have disappeared. I also looked at the cloth mentioned above from the same kitchen door and I noticed my vision have improved as the words Good Morning were easy to see. Must also add that after eating Super Lutein it made it easier for me to read the newspaper with my glasses on whereas this morning I had to take off my glasses and read the newspaper close to my face.

It is about 4pm now, and my eyes are starting to feel tired but my vision is still good compared to the days before Super Lutein.

Once again, I am impressed with the result I obtained after I consumed the 3 capsules of Naturally Plus Super Lutein.